Sunday, January 31, 2010

Final Ride for the week before the winter storm

We hit 50 degrees on Wednesday, and I wanted to get one more ride in before Thursday's winter storm arrived. I had hoped to go with my friend Drew McMurrin on a night ride, since I had not had the chance to use my light set yet. He ended up not being available. It was dark, and I didn't want to go ride alone in the dark. I sent out a mass text to see if anyone would go. It ended up that Jason from the bike shop was going. He told me to bring Brad Nielsen along and that he would have a light for him. After waiting 20 minutes (after 10pm) for Jason to arrive, Brad and I decided we couldn't wait any longer. We took off to do a lap in Slaughterpen, with me riding behind Brad with my headlamp to show the way in front of him. We both had a FANTASTIC time. It was exilerating to ride at night, and we both felt great about our ride. It was a total blast, even with just one light.
So I figured that would be my last ride before the 8 inches of snow that we got, but Dave Neil said we should ride Thurs afternoon before the winter weather arrived. So Dave, Chris, Brad, and I headed for the trail. The sleet began to pelt Brad's truck before we even got there. Traffic leaving town was crazy as we headed the opposite direction of traffic toward the trailhead. We arrived, gathered ourselves, and headed out. The ride was not near as enjoyable as the night before, but we were not disappointed about going. We did have ice forming on our helmets and Camelbaks.
So that's it for the week, right?...then Friday afternoon as the snow is piling up on the ground, Dave sends a text that says," Snow ride?" I ignored the text.
That didn't work. 20 minutes later, Dave and Chris are on my doorstep, geared up and on their bikes saying Let's go. I said, "Give me 5 minutes..." , and we were off. We didn't know where to go, but ended up riding to Brad's house, a 7 mile round trip in the snow with MASSIVE hill on Trafalgar that I swore I would NEVER climb on a bike in good weather...but I did it on a snow-packed street. I just kept riding when my buddies dismounted...Dave said "It's bragging rights if you make it to the top."
We chatted with Brad for 20 minutes or so before heading for home. It was yet another great ride with the light. The snow was falling the whole time, and few people were out driving, but we did it.
Chalk up 3 rides in 48hrs, baby....

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Finish of race in Kansas 2004