Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beautiful Fall Day!...flash flood watch tomorrow.

Put in some good miles today. I have to say I miss that 2.5 Werewolf tire I used to have on the back. I don't think it's affecting my ride, but it may be affecting my head.
Anyway, I took this picture of the guys working on a new section of trail that is amidst the other new sections of trail we've been riding lately. This section is going to be more BMX and possibly Freeride like. The banks are huge, and there are going to be some jumps as well, I was told today. This trail building crew is amazing!
Also, I got word that there are some new trails going in behind my girls' school. I'm hearing great things, and I am sure I'll be out there soon helping with construction.

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Finish of race in Kansas 2004